Get Started with your Licensed Account
All faculty, staff, and students are provided with a licensed account. This means you can host and record meetings with no time limit, and can have up to 300 participants at one time.
- To activate your Zoom account, please sign into Zoom with your SIUE email address and password at
- Upon first sign in, you will automatically be given a basic account (meeting time limit of 40 minutes). All new basic accounts will be automatically upgraded to licensed accounts (unlimited meeting time) on a daily basis. If you need your account upgraded to a licensed account before the end of the business day, please request an urgent account upgrade.
- Update your account information
- Download the desktop or mobile application (follow these instructions to sign in using the application)
- Live meetings can be held with up to 300 participants. If you expect more than 300 participants at one time, you can request a webinar session in advance of the synchronous webinar. The webinar session will allow up to 500 view-only attendees.
- Pro tip: In lieu of a webinar, set up your personal meeting room to create a "faux" webinar session.
Cloud Recording
If you are recording on a mobile device such as a smartphone, tablet or Chromebook, you will need to request cloud recording be enabled for your account.
- Tutorial for how to use cloud recording:
- After you have finished recording, a link to download the recording will be emailed to you. The email may not come immediately as time will be needed to process and upload the recording.
- Cloud recordings remain active for 30 days. After 30 days, the video(s) will be deleted from the cloud.
If you have any questions about getting started with Zoom, please email the ITS Help Desk at or the Zoom administrator at
Support, Tutorials, and Training
- Zoom Virtual Training Course
- Zoom How-Tos (including how to share recordings on Blackboard)
- System Requirements
- Zoom Tech Support
Tips for Students
Students do not need to log into Zoom in order to join a live meeting - to attend office hours, for example - or to watch recorded videos. For live meetings, students just click the link that faculty provide them and follow the prompts on the screen to join.
If students need to conduct their own live or recorded Zoom meetings - to carry out a group project without the professor, for example - then they will need to sign into Zoom (with their SIUE email address and password) and set up their own meeting space.